Mosque in Pakistan Sets Up Free Marriage Hall For Needy

Mosque Free Marriage Hall

ISLAMABAD (PAKISTAN) – The Masjid Rehmat ul Alamin F/8 in Islamabad has offered a free-of-charge marriage hall to deserving families who cannot afford to celebrate their daughters’ weddings with dignity and respect.

The mosque’s initiative aims to promote Islamic teachings and eliminate societal superstitions to provide newlyweds with a blessed environment to begin their new life.

It is recommended that wedding ceremonies held in the mosque should not have more than 100 or 120 guests, with an equal number of men and women, and should not be extravagant.

To avoid unnecessary financial and social pressure, the committee believes the newlyweds should limit the number of guests and avoid extravagant arrangements.


Community members have praised the initiative’s humanitarian efforts and promotion of Islam’s teachings. Masjid Rehmat ul Alamin has set an example for other mosques and organizations to use their resources to benefit deserving families.

It is an example of how religion can provide comfort and support for those in need at Masjid Rehmat ul Alamin has taken. The mosque is fulfilling its social responsibility toward the community by providing free services to promote Islamic teachings.

A refreshing change is this initiative, which focuses on creating a blessed environment for newlyweds while eliminating unnecessary societal pressures in a world where weddings are often seen as ways to demonstrate wealth and status.

Masjid Rehmat ul Alamin deserves praise for their humanitarian efforts, and other mosques and organizations should follow their example.

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