Israel Cuts Power to Gaza Hospitals

The health care system in Gaza collapsed when Israel made the harsh decision to cut off the city’s electricity.
doctors in OT at Gaza hospital
Photo: Piron Guillaume/Unsplash

GAZA – As Israel continues to drop bombs on the Gaza Strip, health professionals told The Islamic Information that they are facing a major crisis affecting hospitals.

Since the early hours of Saturday, the Gaza Strip has been completely without electricity, causing a blackout in the entire city.

The Energy Minister of Israel, Israel Katz, has told the press that he has ordered to cut off the electricity to Gaza, he announced it on X (previously Twitter).

The hospital staff relied on the backup generators to power their critical life-saving equipment, especially for injured patients requiring intensive care and those currently on life support.

Gaza health ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qedra said hospitals are running on old generators, which has significantly increased the need for fuel.

There was already a shortage of electricity before the siege began. Gaza’s power plant needs 500 megawatts, but Israel has only allowed 180 megawatts into Gaza. This is done deliberately so that Gaza’s administration can buy additional electricity from Israel.

Gaza used to get 8 hours of electricity in 24 hours. And the rest is usually a blackout.

The power cut means that newborn babies, people on dialysis, people with respiratory problems and even those who were scheduled for surgery will suffer the consequences.

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