This Indian Singer Says He “Dislikes Azaan” Has Caused A Chaos All Around The World

indian singer sonu nigam against azaan
Photo Credits: Right: Faisal Akram | Left: G.K. Binda

Indian singer, Sonu Nigam on Monday said, that he is disturbed by Azaan (Call to prayer) every morning, and called it the Gang that causes noise pollution.

Earlier on Monday, Sonu Nigam tweeted these following tweets which caused a great outrage all over the world.

Sonu Nigam against azaan
Source: Twitter

For those who does not understand what is written, he wrote;

That he wants to end the “forced religion” in India, He is living in India for over 43 years, and this is the first time he came up with such a lame excuse. To be noted, that he is the only Indian Singer in whole India who does Musical Tours of almost all the Muslim countries and UAE is on the top of his list.

Indian Singer Sonu Nigam, also called Azaan (Call to prayer) a cause of noise pollution! But what about the Hindu festivals which is usually consist of Dhol and other loudspeaker stuff, which is even more noisy than Azaan. Sonu Nigam has shown a sign of stupidity by explicitly insulting someone else’s religion, such a Shame!

People all around the world are very unhappy, after seeing Sonu Nigam uttering such rubbish words for something that is very sacred to Muslims. The relationship between Pakistan and India usually are not very settled, and these kinds of talks can lead the fight to the next level.

India, itself is divided, half of them supports his stance but the other half is getting angry (These includes non-Muslims as well). Below are the responses trending on the internet, not just Muslims but also the Non-Muslims (Hindus) of India are also condemning his language against the Muslims.

This what people have to say after this Indian Singer’s Lame excuse to dislike Azaan

BOYCOTT SONU NIGAM! If he doesn’t Like our Azaan, we do not Like him!

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