At least 216 bombs dropped by Britain on Muslim Countries in 2017

bombs britain muslim countries 2017
Britian dropped over 200 bombs on Muslim Countries! but all the media remained silent!

Britain dropped over 200 bombs on Muslim Countries! Britain is bombing the Iraq since 2014 just to target ISIS with no such evidence! yet the world is still silent of United Kingdom bombing Iraq and Syria.

The MoD United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence did not resease the statistics but released the number of operations conducted in the region.

BBC’s analysis have claimed that at least 2016 bombs and missiles was dropped in Syria and Iraq by the Royal Air Force. Which means the total numbers can be higher.

The United Kingdom has conducted more than 1200 airstrikes in Syria and Iraq after the United Kingdom gets involved in  coalition to counter ISIS.

Not just these countries, Russia and other countries have been doing targeted strikes which kills less ISIS terrorists but more innocent civilians.

Recently, United States of America launched over 50 missiles to counter the ISIS terrorists which only resulted in killing only 6 ISIS terrorist while the rest killed were only innocent civilians.

Syria and Iraq and many other Muslims countries have been invaded by the countries who said to be the peacekeepers which completely destroyed these countries. As well as, no media coverage is given to the “Formal Terrorism” done by these countries which killed more civilians in the history of the world, and it is still not recorded.

Meanwhile, on the other hand United Stated has dropped 12,095 bombs in Iraq and 12192 bombs in Syria in the year 2016. Now the new reports are claiming that the Britain has dropped a large number of bombs in 2017 but trying to keep it hidden.

United states and United kingdom has been calling themselves as the peace keepers but the brutality they have been doing is totally not highlighted by the media.

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