Graves of Muslim Martyrs Near Al Aqsa Mosque Demolished by Israel

Graves of Muslim Martyrs Near Al Aqsa Mosque Demolished by Israel

Several graves of the martyrs of the 1948 and 1967 conflicts were also damaged in this demolition.

On Sunday, several Muslim graves located close to the Al Aqsa mosque in occupied eastern Jerusalem, demolished by the Jerusalem Municipality, widely known to be administered by Israel.

The municipality’s engineering vehicles in the Old City destroyed several graves at the Al-Yusufiye cemetery near the Al-Aqsa mosque.

The municipality vehicles were also quickly left the scene after Palestinians gathered on reports of bones found in graves during the demolition operation.

In an interview, the executive director of the Commission for the Protection of Muslim Graves, Ahmed al-Dajani, explained to Anadolu Agency that the Israeli courts have officially granted permission to the Israeli Archeology Directorate to work on a site close to the graveyard.

Ahmed added, saying that there were graves of Muslims martyred in the conflict between 1948 and 1967 among the demolished graves. Not only that, but other information submitted also stated that Israel will face legal action as a consequence of the municipality’s act.

He also said that the Jerusalem Municipality under the Israeli Administration has planned to build a park close to Al-Yusifiye Cemetery. However, the region itself is an indispensable part of the cemetery.

Al-Yusufiye cemetery, located right next to the Old City wall, is one of the oldest Muslim graveyards in occupied Jerusalem.

Previously, the Jerusalem Municipality attempted to demolish a historic staircase that led to the Old City and Al-Aqsa Mosque but failed as the Palestinians prevented the move.

Under international law, both the West Bank and East Jerusalem are considered occupied territories.

A territory can be considered an occupied territory when it is placed under the authority of the hostile army, in this case, the Israeli army.

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