Chinese Tourists Sing and Dance Inside Mosque

Chinese Tourists Sing and Dance Inside Mosque

A recent video of Han tourists dancing in a mosque in occupied East Turkestan, also known as Xinjiang, has sparked outrage around the world.

This disturbing incident is a stark reminder of the broader problem of mosque demolition and the treatment of Muslim minorities by Chinese authorities in the region.

The conversion of hundreds of mosques into cafes, clubs, and tourist cultural centers raises serious concerns about cultural insensitivity and religious persecution.

Muslim Culture Under Threat in Uyghur

The video reveals a lack of religious sensibility and respect for the sanctity of mosques. This act reflects how the Chinese government is trying to erase the culture and identity of Uyghur Muslims. Reports also claim that many masjids have also been destroyed yet the exact number could not be revealed. These acts not only ignore religious space but also limit the ability of Uyghur Muslims to practice their faith freely.

The demolition and renovation of mosques clubs etc is a deliberate attempt to erase the Uyghurs’ Muslim identity and enforce tight controls. Moreover, not only Muslims but other religious minorities, such as Tibetan Buddhists and Christians, are also being affected.

Following this video China has faced extreme criticism for its treatment of Uyghur Muslims which not only includes imprisonment and forced labor but also includes indoctrination. 

Muslims all over the world have emphasized and asked for immediate attention and action from the world community on the Xinjiang incident as it is important to condemn such cultural insensitivity and address the widespread religious repression in occupied East Turkestan. 

People around the world have claimed that it is extremely important to protect religious freedom and human rights. Muslims around the world have urged the world community to pressurize the Chinese government to stop mosque destruction, protect the rights of Uyghur Muslims, and ensure religious freedom for all. 

A video of Han tourists dancing in a mosque in occupied East Turkestan highlights the ongoing problem of cultural insensitivity and religious repression in Xinjiang. Serious concerns have been raised regarding the treatment of Muslim minorities and the demolition of mosques in Uyghur.

To condemn this issue the international community needs to come together and demand the protection of human rights and religious freedom for all. International solidarity is greatly required to combat the religious persecution of Muslims in China effectively.

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