31% Increase in Building Mosques in the US

31 Increase in Building Mosques in the US

A new report on U.S. mosques that indicates a 31% growth in the number of Muslim houses of worship since 2010 has been welcomed by the nation’s most prominent Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, CAIR (The Council on American-Islamic Relations).

The “American Mosques 2020: Growing and Evolving” is a thorough statistical analysis of mosques in the US to dispel misunderstandings and help mosque leaders and worshippers better understand their mosques for future improvements.

The mosque surveys were part of a more comprehensive study of American congregations called Faith Communities Today (FACT), a Cooperative Congregational Studies Partnership (CCSP) project, a multi-religion partnership of several faiths, and faith groups.

According to the CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad, the increase in U.S. mosques, participants, and budgets signifies a healthy democracy that upholds and guarantees the First Amendment to everyone, including American Muslims.

He also added that the continued growth of American Muslim houses of worship and community centers also corresponds to the national increase in Muslim civic engagement and political organizing.

The report’s main research findings include the number of mosques continues to grow; mosque participants continue to grow, Significant decrease in the number of mosques in the African American Muslim community and also the number of African American worshippers, decreased in Conversion rate, the increase of Mosque Development resistance by the neighborhood and zoning board, the increasing number of mosque income, full-time imams increased and paid properly, an also more Americans are born.

US Mosque Survey 2020 is a comprehensive statistical study of Mosques in the United States. It is a decadal study that was previously done in 2000 and 2010. The results of the Mosque Survey 2020 in the United States are split into two reports.

Dr. Ihsan Bagby authored both reports and also jointly published by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Center on Muslim Philanthropy, and the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU).

Previously, Japan declared Islamic is the fastest growing religion in the country.

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