All Muslim Holidays and Events in 2018

All Muslim Holidays and Events in 2018
Photo Credit: SalamStock

Muslim Holidays and events for the year 2018 have been announced, see the schedule and plan your vacations according to it.


  • April 14 Isra and Miraj. Isra – the transfer of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to the Jerusalem Mosque of Al-Aqsa, and his subsequent ascension to Heaven (Miraj).


  • May 1 – Night of Bara’at. Believers are sure that on this night Allah is able not only to forgive sins, debts but also to punish, to pay for sins. That is why the Muslims pray this day with special trepidation and promise not to commit anything nasty.
  • May 2 is the birthday of Imam Mahdi.
  • May 17 – the beginning of the Holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan (in some countries called Uraza, Ramadan) is the most respected in the Islamic tradition of fasting. Duration – a month. At this time, believers are forbidden to eat food and water during the daytime, swear, smoke, enter into sexual intimacy. The main goal is to purify yourself spiritually and bodily, realize your mistakes and prevent them from happening again. At the same time, it is preferable to make a small pilgrimage (Umrah).


  • June 2Battle of Badr.
  • June 5Fatah Day Mecca.
  • June 6 – The Suffering of Imam Ali.
  • June 9 – Night of Power and Predestination. Another great religious holiday. It is believed that this very day the Prophet Muhammad was sent the first surahs of the Holy Qur’an.
  • June 15 – the end of the Holy month of Ramadan. In different Muslim countries, the event is called differently – Uraza-Bairam, Ramadan Bayram. It is customary to visit the mosque, give alms, invite relatives and cover a rich table.
  • June 15 – The Battle of the Trench.
  • June 17 – Battle of Uhud.
  • June 24 – The Battle of Hunayn.
  • July 15 – The Treaty of Khudaibiya.


  • August 13 – the beginning of the month of Zul-Hajj.
  • August 21 – Day of Arafat. It marks the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise. Believers are convinced that if you sin on this day, sin will be increased 100 times and will necessarily return to earth or in existence after death.
  • August 22 – the feast of sacrifice. Kurban-bairam (Id Adha). It marks the completion of the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). In some countries, they call Kurban Bairam, in others (for example, in Kyrgyzstan) – Kurman Ait. It is accepted to cover a rich table and to bring a lamb as a victim. In this case, the meat of the animal is divided into 3 parts, one of which is given to the poor, the second is eaten with relatives, friends, and friends, and the third is not forbidden to keep to themselves.


  • September 11 – New Year in Hijra. It is from this day the Lunar calendar takes its count. At the same time, they mark the coming of the new year in Muslim countries not as in European and Western countries. There are no trees, no salutes, no champagne at midnight, believers do not even set a magnificent table, instead, they go to the mosque and read a sermon about the Prophet Muhammad.
  • September 17Trip to Karbala.
  • September 19 – Tashua Imam Hussein.
  • September 20 – Day of Ashura or commemoration of the Prophets of the Messengers of Allah. Date of creation of heavens, angels and the first person on the Earth.


  • October 11 – the beginning of the month Safar.
  • October 30 – Arbain.


  • November 5 – Night of the Hijra.
  • November 7 – The day of the death of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is one of the saddest events of the Islamic religion.
  • November 20 – Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In many Muslim countries, this date is the official weekend. The event is celebrated with a wide scope.

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