Can Menstruating Women Enter Masjid al-Haram and Nabawi?

No, women cannot enter Masjid al-Haram and Masjid an-Nabawi while menstruating.
Menstruating Women Enter Masjid al Haram and Nabawi
Photo: haffy81

Women usually ask if they can visit the holy mosques while menstruating; we have detailed everything below.

A woman can only sit in places that are outside of the main mosque. Like, when performing Hajj, Aisha (R.A.) got her menses; she was asked to complete all the rituals except Tawaf, which means she could perform sa’i, which is an area outside of the mosque, and not the tawaf because it comes under the main mosque area.

Can menstruating women visit Masjid al-Haram or Masjid an-Nabawi?

The blood from menstruation is considered impure. That is why a woman is prohibited from entering any mosque because a mosque is a place of worship and should be clean from all kinds of impurities.


  • As per al-Nisa’s 4:43, a menstruating woman can pass through a mosque but cannot enter it.
quran about mensturating women visiting mosque

Bottom Line

Always remember, there is no need to feel bad about menstruating. It is a natural process, and missing out on prayers or umrah doesn’t mean a woman is sinful or anything like that. 

This rule also applies to the person who has sexual impurities on him or her (a person who doesn’t do ghusl after sexual intercourse). Islam is very strict on such things. 

So, whenever you plan your visit to Masjid al-Haram or Masjid an-Nabawi, make sure you check the visiting dates with your visiting schedule. It is highly recommended to take someone into confidence while deciding the visiting date. 

A woman should feel free to let her mother or husband know about her menstruation date; in that way, she will be able to visit the mosque without the fear of getting menses during her prayers or performing Umrah. 

Allah knows the best. 

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