Dua For Dengue Fever and Protection From It

Dengue fever is spreading all over the world, including countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and many other countries are highly affected by it.
Dua For Dengue Fever Dua For Dengue Protection 1

The biting of a mosquito causes dengue. Usually, the female mosquito transmits the dengue virus into the human body. Not just this, the same mosquito can transmit yellow fever, Zika virus, and Chikungunya.

We at Islamic Information ensure that our reader gets all the top quality Dua with authenticity. For example, the dua for Dengue fever or protection from dengue fever can be found in Sunan An-Nasi.

Dua for Dengue Fever

Dua For Dengue Fever
Sunan An- Nasai

How many times do I recite it?

There is no limit to reciting it; as we say in every post, it is up to you how many times you would want to recite it. The primary thing is that you must recite it with all your heart, even if it is just once.

Symptoms of dengue fever

  • High Fever.
  • Pain behind the eyes.
  • Headaches, Muscle and joint pain.
  • Nausea/Vomiting.
  • Skin Rash.
  • Fatigue.

Note: If you suspect any of these symptoms, it is best to see a doctor because reciting just the dua won’t fix it. You must see the doctor and then recite the dua, so Allah SWT makes this dua effective for you.

Tip to protect from dengue fever

  • Do not leave the water open.
  • Use mosquito repellent.
  • Use an Electric Mosquito Killer.
  • Keep your doors and windows closed during dusk time.
  • See a doctor if you suspect any of the symptoms mentioned above.
  • Wear long sleeves and long pants.
  • Avoid standing near places that contain water. (i.e., Swimming pools, rainwater, etc.)

Please share this article with everyone on your friends list, so everyone can be aware of this illness and protect themselves and their families. May Allah keep us in his protection.

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