Dua after Adhan: Reciting This Dua Is a Sunnah

Adhan is an Islamic call to prayer. The word Adhaan or Azaan is driven from the Arabic language, which means “Announcement.”
dua after adhan azaan

Reaciting this Dua after Adhan is considered as Sunnah. It is also mentioned in the Sahih Bukhari that whoever recites this dua will get Syafaah (intercession) of Prophet Muhammad PBUH on Judgment’s day (Qayamah).

Allah SWT has made the religion of Islam very fruitful for all the Muslims all across the globe. And blessed us with several Prophets for our guidance. But, Prophet Muhammad PBUH was the one who has always been very concerned about his ummah.

He (PBUH) showed us the routes that directly leads the ummah to the gates of Jannah.

The dua below is one of those duas which gives allows you to get closer to Jannah five times a day. This dua should be recited as well as memorized so you don’t miss any moment.

Dua after Adhan with English Translation

Dua After Adhan
Sahih Al-Bukhari 614

NOTE: This dua should be recited once the Adhan is finished.

Benefits of Reciting Dua after Adhan

This dua has lots of benefits, be sure to recite it as it is immensly fruitful;

  • The person who recites it will get Syafaah (Intercession) of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. – Sahih Bukhari.
  • Making dua after reciting it is never rejected. – Sunan Abi Daud.
  • It is Sunnah to answer the Adhaan. – Sahih Muslim.
  • Recite Salawat after Adhan is mandatory. – Sahih Muslim.
  • Dua made between the Adhaan and Iqamah is never rejected. – Sunan Abi Daud.

If you want us to include more duas, please contact us and we will add it for you. And do not forget to send this dua to your friends and family.

- Sahih Bukhari
- Sahih Al-Bukhari 614
- Sahih Muslim
- Sunan abi Daud
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