
Zulfiqar Sword: 5 Facts About The Sword Of Ali (RA)

The zulfiqar sword is one of the most ancient Islamic swords, given by ALLAH through Jibrael (AS) to Ali (RA) in the Battle of the Trench.

Ali (RA) was a noble swordsman, his bravery and skills can be seen in the battle of Badr, Uhud, Khyber, or Trench. We have seen how Ali (RA), Lion of Allah killed the infidels with his sword Zulfiqar. It is the sword given to Ali (RA) by Muhammad Prophet (PBUH) during the Battle of Trench also known as the Battle of Khandaq.

1. Meaning of Zulfiqar

In the Arabic language, the meaning of this word is, “cleaver of spine“. It was the only sword available at that time having two edges.

2. From where did Zulfiqar Sword come from

During the battle of Trench, when Muslims were just 3,000 in number had to fight Abu Sufyan, who was in a much higher strength of 10,000. At that time Muhammad Prophet (PBUH) prayed to Allah for help, and that was the time, Allah sent Jibril towards Muhammad Prophet (PBUH) who gave him the Zulfiqar sword, then it was given to Ali (RA).

At the end of the war, Muslims face light casualties but Abu Sufyan’s army faced extreme loss.

As per the traditions, when Ali (RA) was Slaying the heads of infidels in the wars, to protect Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), these lines were chanted in Heaven;

4. Hussain (RA) fought with Zulfiqar in Karbala

As per some historians, it has been verified that after the passing of Ali (RA) this sword was given to Hassan (RA), the elder son of Ali (RA) then after his martyrdom, it was passed to Hussain (RA), younger son of Ali (RA). And then in Karbala, Hussain (RA) used it to fight the Yazid’s Army!

5. Where is Zulfiqar now?

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) kept a total of 9 swords, 8 of them are kept in the Topkapi Museum of Turkey and the other one is in Cairo, Egypt. But Zulfiqar can not be found anywhere.

Some Muslims believe that after the death of Hussain (R.A), it was passed to his sons and now Mehdi, will have it or as per some Muslims, it was returned back to Allah. Allah knows the best.

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This post was last modified on July 25, 2023 7:24 pm

Haniya Hassan

Haniya is a business graduate from York University and an Islamic Information news correspondent.

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