10 Lessons From Surah Al-Qariah That Allah Mentioned

It uses vivid imagery and strong language to convey the reality of this day and the importance of being prepared for it.

Surah Al-Qariah, one of the short yet powerful chapters of the Quran, focuses on the Day of Judgment.

Here are the key lessons we can learn from Surah Al-Qariah, as Allah reveals crucial insights about the final day and what it means for humanity.

1. The Suddenness of the Day of Judgment

Allah begins Surah Al-Qariah by introducing the concept of Al-Qariah or “the striking calamity”:

“The Striking Calamity!”


This verse highlights the sudden and intense nature of the Day of Judgment. It serves as a reminder that the end will come unexpectedly, and people should always be prepared for that moment.

2. The Immensity of the Event

“What is the Striking Calamity?”


The repetition emphasizes the magnitude of the Day of Judgment. It will be unlike anything humans have ever experienced. This lesson reminds us to take the hereafter seriously and not become complacent.

3. The Unimaginable Nature of the Day

Allah continues by stating that it is something beyond human comprehension:

“And what can make you know what is the Striking Calamity?”


This verse indicates that no words or images can truly describe the reality of the Day of Judgment. It’s a day that will shake the foundations of existence, and this reminder urges us to live with the awareness that this day is inevitable.

4. The Chaos of the Day

Allah paints a picture of the chaos that will unfold:

“It is the Day when people will be like moths, dispersed.”


People will be scattered in confusion and fear, similar to how moths fly aimlessly. This visual representation conveys the helplessness of people on that day, with no control over their fate. We are reminded that our worldly power and control are meaningless on the Day of Judgment.

5. The Destruction of the World

The destruction won’t be limited to humans, as Allah describes the state of the mountains:

“And the mountains will be like wool, fluffed up.”


Even the strongest and most stable creations, like mountains, will crumble and become weightless like wool. This verse teaches us about the impermanence of the physical world, urging us to focus on the eternal rather than the temporary.

6. The Weight of Deeds

After describing the scene of the Day of Judgment, Allah turns to the central message: the weighing of deeds.

“Then as for one whose scales are heavy [with good deeds],”


This verse highlights that our deeds will be weighed on that day, and only those with a heavy balance of good deeds will find success. It is a reminder to accumulate good actions, knowing that every deed will count toward our eternal fate.

7. The Reward for Good Deeds

For those whose scales are heavy with good deeds, Allah promises a great reward:

“He will be in a pleasant life.”


This “pleasant life” refers to the eternal bliss of Paradise. It’s a comforting reminder that Allah’s justice is perfect, and those who strive to do good in this life will be rewarded with eternal happiness in the hereafter.

8. The Consequence of Light Deeds

In contrast to those with heavy scales, Allah warns about the fate of those whose deeds are insufficient:

“But as for one whose scales are light,”


This verse teaches that those who neglect their duties toward Allah and fail to perform good deeds will face severe consequences. It reminds us to stay conscious of our actions and ensure we are accumulating good deeds for the hereafter.

9. The Punishment of the Fire

The result of having light deeds is terrifying:

“His refuge will be an abyss.”


This verse refers to the pit of Hellfire, which will be the destination for those whose deeds do not measure up. It serves as a stark reminder of the importance of living righteously and avoiding actions that lead to eternal punishment.

10. Hellfire is a Reality

Allah concludes the Surah by describing Hellfire in vivid terms:

“And what can make you know what that is? It is a fire, intensely hot.”


These final verses serve as a warning about the intensity of Hellfire, a place of unimaginable torment. It is a reminder that Hellfire is real, and we must strive to avoid it by living according to Allah’s commands and seeking His forgiveness.

Surah Al-Qariah offers essential lessons about how we can better prepare ourselves for the hereafter, ensuring that our scales are heavy with good deeds and that we seek Allah’s mercy and guidance throughout our lives.

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