3 Miracles Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at Cave of Thawr

Miracles Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at Cave of Thawr
Photos: 2mfm/spitalfieldslife/Pixabay

Thawr Cave is located in the latter part of Makkah. Jabal Thawr is known for the famous miracles that happened during Muhammad’s (PBUH)’s Hijrah.

People of Arabia had plotted great trouble in the path of Muhammad (PBUH) during his eight years of Prophethood. At that time, the Quraish of Makkah was the biggest enemy of Muhammad (PBUH). 622AD was the first year of Hijrah, Hijrah means migration. When Muhammad (PBUH) ordered all the Muslims to migrate from one city to another.

These were the three miracles that had happened on the Mount Thawr, also known as Jabal Thawr;

1. Quraish Master Minded A Murder Plan Of Muhammad (PBUH)

Quraish Master Minded A Murder Plan Of Muhammad

As the migration to Makkah began, Quraish plotted a murder trap for Muhammad (PBUH). While Muhammad (PBUH) was asleep on his bed, through Allah’s guidance he escaped successfully and left little Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA) behind. Then he went to the Cave of Thawr.

The most loyal friend of Muhammad (PBUH) was Abu Bakar (RA), he left him in Makkah. Quraish sent the hitmen to kill Muhammad (PBUH) and Abu Bakr (RA). Somehow, Muhammad (PBUH) and Abu Bakar (RA) got to know about this and decided to stay in the cave.

2. Muhammad (PBUH) Encountering A Snake in the Cave of Thawr!

Muhammad (PBUH) Encountering A Snake Cave of Thawr

Before going into the cave, Abu Bakar (RA) cleaned the cave before Muhammad (PBUH) entered it. There were a lot of Snake pits that were tried to be covered by a piece of clothing by Abu Bakr (RA). There was only one snake pit which was left open mistakenly. Muhammad (PBUH) was so tired that he decided to rest in Abu Bakr (RA)’s lap. The Snake put which was left open was later covered by Abu Bakr (RA) with his foot.

The snake pit which Abu Bakr (RA) was covered with his foot was bitten by a Snake. He did not take his foot out of that snake pit as he knew Muhammad (PBUH) was sleeping, the pain caused by the snake bite was so strong that the tears started coming out of his eyes and when tears dropped down his cheek Muhammad (PBUH) he woke up.

Upon knowing the snake had bitten him, Muhammad (PBUH) rubbed his saliva on the place where the snake had bitten Abu Bakr (RA), then Abu Bakr (RA) started feeling relaxed and the pain went away within a few mins! Muhammad (PBUH) and Abu Bakr (RA) later stayed in the Cave for 3 days and 3 nights.

3. Spiders and Pigeons Helped Muhammad (PBUH)

spider web pigeon eggs Cave of Thawr

At one point, Quraish hit men almost entered the cave, but a miracle happened!

Snake and Pigeon gave the cave a look that seemed as if nobody had entered into this cave, but Muhammad (PBUH) and Abu Bakr (RA) were resting in that cave! Spider knit it’s web as Pigeons laid the eggs and gave this place a look as if no human had ever entered this cave!

Later, Muhammad (PBUH) and Abu Bakr (RA) successfully made their way towards Madinah. Subhan Allah! Let us know how you feel after reading about all these miracles in the comments below.

Have a look at this place;

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