MAKKAH – As the annual Umrah pilgrimage approaches, Saudi Arabian authorities are urging all pilgrims to choose licensed barbers to shave their heads in order to prevent the possible spread of disease.
Unlicensed Barbers Spreading Dsieases
Unlicensed barbers, who often operate in the busy streets of Makkah and Medina, are a cause for concern because of their unsanitary methods. Using dirty razors, they risk spreading serious diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis C and B. Also, lacking proper training, these unlicensed barbers could accidentally cause cuts and injuries.
Licensed barbers, on the other hand, are required by law to use disposable razors and undergo regular health screenings. In addition, their advanced skills in the art of shaving reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries during the process.
Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health has warned pilgrims about the dangers of seeking haircuts from unlicensed barbers, describing it as a “dangerous” practice with serious health implications. As part of a proactive effort, the Ministry has taken the initiative to offer free shaves at licensed barbershops in Mecca and Medina.
While some pilgrims may be constrained by budgetary considerations, experts strongly advise against compromising safety. The relatively small increase in cost for a shave from a licensed barber is a small investment when weighed against the guarantee of good health and peace of mind.
By following these guidelines, pilgrims can protect their health and ensure a safe Umrah pilgrimage.
Tips for Pilgrims Seeking a Shave During Umrah:
- Give preference to licensed barbers.
- Inspect the barber’s razor to ensure it is new and disposable.
- Evaluate the cleanliness of the barber’s work area.
- Report unlicensed barbers to the Saudi authorities.
By following these recommendations, pilgrims can play an active role in preserving their well-being while embarking on a harmonious and safe Umrah pilgrimage experience.
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