The suicide rate among American Muslims is twice as high: report

suicide rate among American Muslims

According to a study published in JAMA Psychiatry, Muslims in the US are twice as likely to have attempted suicide than people from other religions.

According to the survey, nearly 8% of Muslims have attempted suicide at least once during their lifetime. Catholics account for 6%, Protestants 5%, and Jews 3.6%.

According to Dr. Rania Awaad, there is an increase in suicide attempts and suicides, both anecdotally and in clinical settings. The study’s director is a professor at Stanford University and a researcher.

For this trend they are seeing, researchers say there are two main reasons. There is religious discrimination against Muslims in the United States, and Muslims avoid seeking help for psychological distress because getting counseling is stigmatized as part of the Muslim community.

People in Texas were shocked when two brothers aged 19 and 21 committed suicide together in 2021. Both of them suffered from depression. Rather than deal with the pain of their suicides, they made a pact to kill the rest of their family.

According to a Stanford University study, American Muslims are more likely to attempt suicide than Muslims from Muslim-majority countries. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, as a religious minority in the U.S., Muslims are highly susceptible to discrimination, which leads to depression, anxiety, and paranoia.

Prevention of suicide

The following steps should be taken if you think a friend of yours might be at risk:

  • Make sure the person is not left alone.
  • Make sure no firearms, alcohol, drugs, or sharp objects are nearby in case a suicide attempt is made.
  • Take the person to the hospital emergency room or see a medical or mental health professional.
  • If you are suffering from mental health issues, speak with someone.

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