Saudi Arabia to Jail Anyone Transporting Pilgrims Without Hajj 2023 Permits

Saudi Arabia to Jail Anyone Transporting Pilgrims Without Hajj 2023 Permits

Public security officials in Saudi Arabia have issued a stern warning regarding the transportation of persons without Hajj permits to Mecca, emphasizing this is in direct violation of Hajj regulations.

According to Public Security, individuals convicted of this offense are subject to a maximum six-month prison sentence and a fine of SR50,000.

Depending on the number of violators transported, the monetary penalty will increase proportionately.

In addition, courts may confiscate the vehicles of transporters.

As well as being deported, expatriates involved in such cases will be banned from re-entering the Kingdom for a period determined by law once they have served their prison sentence and paid the fine.

Hajj and Umrah regulations should be strictly followed by all citizens and residents, according to the General Directorate of Public Security.

Additionally, the directorate warns against participating in fraudulent Hajj campaigns and insists that any illicit campaigns be reported to 911 in Mecca, Riyadh, and the Eastern Province, and 999 elsewhere in the Kingdom.

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