Those with tourist visas can stay in the Kingdom without being quarantined as long as they are fully vaccinated, The ministry of Tourism of Saudi Arabia has announced.
All travelers entering the country must show proof of having a full course of one of the four approved vaccines. These vaccines are the Pfizer/BioNTech, the Oxford/Astra Zeneca, or Johnson & Johnson.
Visitors who have gotten two doses of Sinovac and Sinopharm and have the additional dose of the four vaccines will be accepted in the Kingdom.
The visitors must book their visit to the holy mosques from Eatmarna App and must show themselves as Immune on the Tawakalna app.
Saudi Arabia has launched a website that enables tourists to register their vaccinations. The service is available in both Arabic and English.
Tourists entering Saudi Arabia must also provide a negative PCR procedure done within 72 hours after departure, as well as an authorized paper vaccination certificate confirmed by the issuing government’s official health department.
All tourists traveling on a previously acquired tourism visa must pay the additional SAR 40 at the airport of their landing to reimburse any COVID-19-related medical expenses.