Maldives suspends all ties with Israel, including a ban on Israeli products

Maldives suspends all ties with Israel

The cruelty that Israel commits against the people of Palestine is why the Maldives suspends all kinds of ties with Israel, including a ban on all Israeli products.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih clearly stated that the Maldives stand in solidarity with Palestine via Twitter last week.

According to Mohamed Mabrok Azeez, a spokesperson to the President added the statement that the stance of Maldives was clear. Mohamed Mabrok Azeez added that he has always stood in solidarity with the Palestinians and against Israeli injustice.

He later explained that all kinds of relations between Maldives and Israel were suspended, including a ban on all Israeli products. Although since 2014, most Israeli products have been legally banned in the Maldives and a special permit for special medical products.

The Maldivian public has shown their support for the Palestinian since the conflict occurs in Palestine. They show their support by using the Palestinian flag’s colours all over the island nation.

An opposition party progressive party of Maldives (PPM) member named Ahmed Shiyam even submitted an emergency motion to the Parliament, calling to ban Israeli tourist. The public outcry to ban Israeli tourist has also increased in the Maldives.

The diplomatic relations between Maldives and Israel first started in 1965 when Israel being the third country to recognize the Maldives. But later, the ties between these two countries got suspended by the Maldives in 1974.

In 2009 the Maldives signed cooperation agreements with Israel on tourism, health, education, and culture under the leadership of President Mohammed Nasheed. And then Israel sent a team of doctors to treat patients and train local medical personal to the Maldives in 2010. In 2011, Ahmed Naseem as foreign minister at that time, visit Israel for the first time. Finally, in July 2018, Maldives ended cooperation agreements with Israel.

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