Keeping Mobile Phone Can Break Aitekaf, Mufti Naeem Gives Fatwa

Keeping Mobile Phone Can Break Aitekaf, Mufti Naeem Gives Fatwa

One of the famous religious scholars of Pakistan, Mufti Naeem has given a Fatwa that if you keep your mobile phone with you, then your Aitekaf is broken as you are still dealing with Wordly affairs.

Aitikaf is a form of worship which is done in silence in mosque or in home (for women only) during the last ten days of Ramadan.

After Mufti Naeem appeared on TV show, Mufti Naeem said;

People who are observing Aitekaf, if they’re continuously on their phone to connect to the outer world, they are making their worship null and void. They keep asking people about their business and house matters.

Mufti Naeem

Mufti Naeem runs one of the biggest Madrassa and Mosque in Pakistani city Karachi, The Jamia Binoria is one of the most authentic places to seek fatwas on religious issues.

He says people sit in Aitekaf in Fashion, and mosques should assign clerics who can guide all the people in Aitekaf about what is right and what is wrong. He said;

In our institution we maintain a complete routine, we guide them and keep them indulge in worship all the time and we do not allow them to connect with anything else but Islam.

Mufti Naeem

While one is in Aitekaf, it is not allowed to leave the premises unless there is some serious emergency that too for a shorter time period. It becomes wajib on you to perform Aitekaf next year if you break your Aitekaf in the ongoing year.

To promote the real feel of Aitekaf, it is better if you collect money and provide food for the unprivileged ones, in this way you will be able to help and feed a lot of people and this is also a great way to cut down the economic gap between rich and poor. You can also feed special people depending on what they eat.

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