Heartbreaking Video shows a father saved his son from an accident as the son crosses the road in hurry, father right now is fighting for his life.
Social media called this act a “model of sacrifice and love”.
A man and his son were stuck in a deadly accident yesterday in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
In this heartbreaking video, which was uploaded on social media shows a child crossing a road with his father, this street is located in Asir, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia reported by Okaz.
All of a sudden, the child losses grip of his father and ran towards the end without even looking around.
The time he saw his son running as fast as he could to cross the road he spotted a car which was approaching near his son, he pushed his son but the car hit the father.
The vehicle was seen smashing the father till the long distance, dragging him away from the stop.
The boy and his father were taken to Abha Hospital for the treatment.
The child is in stable condition while the father is fighting for his life.