Becoming a Muslim made me a better person, says Paul Pogba

Becoming A Muslim Made Me A Better Person Says Paul Pogba

Paul Pogba, football superstar, and Manchester United midfielder have said that being Muslim has helped him become a better person and find inner peace.

Pogba has not always been Muslims. While giving an interview to the British daily, Pogba said that his Mother was more Islamic but she did not raise her three sons as Muslims.

Pogba went towards Islam when he was as Adult as his friends were practicing Muslims, after going through a rough patch in life, Pogba dedicated to practicing Islam, and about a few days back we saw him performing Umrah in Makkah.

It completely changed me, it made me see clear in life. Above all, it made me peaceful.

Paul Pogba in a Podcast

He also explained how his friends helped him practice Islam.

It happened to me because a lot of my firends were Muslims. And i started to question myself about different things. I did my own research and realized that praying indeed makes me feel different, feel good. And since that day, i never leave prayer.

Pogba also said that Islam is highly misunderstood by the public as well as misrepresented by the western media. He also said that Islam is the most beautiful thing.

He also said that praying five times a day is a must as well as he prays five times to seek Allah’s forgiveness for the sins he has committed and to thank him for everything he gave him.

Islam indeed opened my mind and made me a better person. This life is a test, but Islam prepares us for the Afterlife.

Paul Pogba

He insisted that Islam teaches to respect everything, without seeing if the other person is a Muslim or not. It helps us build a relationship with Muslims and Muslims should also respect everyone, and others should also respect Muslims, no matter what religion or color you belong to.

Cover Photo: New Straits Times

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