75% Of The People Killed In Gaza By Israeli Bombings Are Children and Women

Gaza continues to suffer from violent Israeli attacks.
israeli air strike aircraft

GAZA – The Israeli war on Gaza continues to worsen with 30,000 new injuries, 75% of whom are children and women.

Gaza is facing a terrible humanitarian crisis as Israeli airstrikes are continuously hitting the densely populated city. Reports indicate that more than 1.4 million citizens are now homeless along with 30,000 individually severely injured, 75% of them are children and women.

The war between Israel and Hamas started on 7th October with thousands of Israeli airstrikes attacking the holy city of Gaza turning buildings into rubble and causing countless injuries. The victims include young and old women, bride-to-be, journalists, kids, newborns, and even toddlers along with families who took refuge in a church thinking it was a safe place.

In light of these attacks, Gaza’s healthcare system is on the brink of collapsing due to scarcity of medicines and equipment raising concerns

To worsen the condition Israeli soldiers have started attacking the hospitals and schools and have blocked the way for important supplies to reach Gazans. To make things more complicated, Israel is cheering for the loss of lives in Palestine which can be seen in a video that is revolving around social media.

Several countries in the global south, including Indonesia, have expressed concerns over Israel’s actions and sent humanitarian aid to Gaza. 

As international tensions escalate, the global community grapples with the delicate task of balancing allegiance to traditional allies with addressing the urgent humanitarian concerns arising from the escalating war.

With the United Kingdom government voting against the ceasefire the situation is becoming more alarming. The widespread death of Gazans calls for an immediate Ceasefire to protect the civilians of Palestine and guarantee them a life free of oppression.

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