Muharram is the first month in the Islamic calendar, which starts with sadness as it is surrounded by some sad events. This month holds a high amount of importance in Islamic history.
Importance Dates In Muharram – Muharram Observances
- 1st Muharram: Death anniversary of Umar Ibn Khattab (R.A)
- 2nd Muharram: Hussain Ibn Ali (R.A) entered Karbala and established his camp. Yazid’s forces were present surrounding him.
- 7th Muharram: After Yazid’s order, access to water was banned for Hussain Ibn Ali (R.A).
- 8th Muharram: Martyrdom of Zain Ul Abideen (R.A), son of Hussain Ibn Ali (R.A) was the only survivor of the battle of Karbala.
- 10th Muharram: It is the day of Ashura; it was when Hussain ibn Ali (R.A) was martyred after Abbas (R.A) was martyred at the Euphrates River in Karbala. It was the day when Musa (A.S) was recused from Pharoah.
- 20th Muharram: Death of Bilal (R.A) first Muazzin of Islam.
Fasting in Muharram / Fasting on Ashura Day
Fasting in this month is highly recommended; a hadith quotes that Muhammad PBUH also fasted on the day of the 10th of Muharram.

Importance of 9th and 10th Muharram – Muharram History
9th and 10th Muharram holds high importance in this whole month. 9th Muharram is the night when the household of Muhammad PBUH, Hussain Ibn Ali (RA), faced a lot of trouble after many days they hadn’t drunk a single drop of water.
And the 10th of Muharram, the battle of Karbala happened, and Hussain ibn Ali (RA) lost his life defending his innocent family, a family of Muhammad PBUH.