
Is Red Heifer Sacrifice Connected to Dajjal?

The connection between Dajjal and Red Heifer’s sacrifice is a myth.

Red Heifer Sacrifice is the new topic of discussion in the town. The social media is buzzing with this news. Individuals have started connecting the sacrifice of the Red Heifer to Dajjal.

The Sacrifice of Red Heifer

Red Heifer is a part of the purification ritual in the Jewish community. However, the sacrifice of this Heifer is not related to Dajjal. It is not even a sign of the end times of the world.

Discussion of Alleged Claims

1. Location and Timing of Sacrifice

News has been circulating that the Heifer will be sacrificed between March and June. The location stated is the Mount of Olives.

However, no connection has been indicated in Islam regarding this sacrifice. No evidence relates this sacrifice to the coming of the false Messiah.

2. Third Temple Foundation

Individuals have claimed that the ashes of the Red Heifer will purify a priest. Others have claimed that it will purify the temple’s foundation.

In Islam, there is no relation to purifying people or places for Dajjal.

3. Demolition of Mosque Al-Aqsa & Appearance of Imam Mehdi

Social media users have claimed that this sacrifice is related to the demolition of Mosque Al Aqsa. They have also claimed that this indicates the appearance of Imam Mehdi.

None of the claims are within the Islamic context. Though the arrival of Imam Mehdi is mentioned in Islam it is not related to Red Heifer.

4. Transportation of Red Heifer

It is a fact that the Red Heifer is transported from Texas to Israel. However, the significance is overrated using the Islamic context

The social media buzz about the Red Heifer lacks Islamic evidence. Thus it is important not to share false information. One must question these posts.

In case of any confusion, one should seek insight from Ulemas. Facts and Fiction should remain separate in Islamic teachings.


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This post was last modified on March 29, 2024 12:11 am

Samira Yusuf

Samira Yusuf has covered local news, politics, and social issues for over five years. In Toronto, she studied journalism at York University.

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