How Prophet Muhammad PBUH Used To Celebrate Eid al Fitr

Celebrate the Eid al-Fitr just like Prophet Muhammad PBUH did.
How Prophet Muhammad PBUH Used To Celebrate Eid al Fitr

These are the Sunnahs of Prophet Muhammad PBUH of how he used to celebrate Eid al Fitr, Eid is an auspicious occasion for all Muslims.

This article will help you know how Prophet Muhammad PBUH used to celebrate Eid during his lifetime.

Making Dua

He used to make dua during the night before Eid.


He (PBUH) used to perform Eid Salah after doing Ghusl (Bath). – (Al-Muwatta/Ibn Majah).

Eating Something Sweet Before Eid Salah

Prophet Muhammad PBUH used to eat Dates in odd numbers, such as 1 Date, 3 dates, or 5 Dates.

Paying Zakat al Fitr

It is mandatory to pay Zakat al Fitr before you pray Eid Salah.

Applying Perfume and Kohl

Prophet Muhammad PBUH used to apply Attar perfumes and Kohl in his eyes. (Sahih Bukhari)

Congratulate Each Other and Hug

He used to Hug and congratulate each other. (Fathul-Bari)

He Used to Recite Eid Takbeer

Eid Takbeer

Taking different routes

He used to take different routes while going for Eid Prayer and returning from Eid Salah. (Sahih Bukhari)

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