The remarkable life of Bilal Ibn Rabah (R.A) shines as a beacon of unwavering devotion and remarkable courage in the history of Islam.
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A close companion of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W), Bilal’s journey from humble beginnings to becoming Islam’s first muezzin continues to inspire and resonate with Muslims worldwide.
Early Life Story of Bilal Ibn Rabah (R.A)
Bilal came from a mixture of cultures. His father, Rabah, was a slave from the Banu Jumah tribe in Arabia. His mother, Hamamah, was a princess from Abyssinia who became a slave after the Year of the Elephant. He inherited his unique features of dark skin and curly hair from his Abyssinian ancestors.
Bilal grew up in Mecca as the servant of a famous leader named Umayyah ibn Khalaf. He naturally disliked the worship of idols and the many gods that were common in the city. People trusted him with the keys of the holy Kaaba because of his honest and wise nature.
Bilal (R.A)’s Marriage and Family
Bilal crossed paths with Hind bint Awf, a pious woman from the Banu Khazraj tribe in Medina. United by their religion and a common past of enslavement, they formed a bond based on mutual help and loyalty. They had four children together-two sons named Abdullah and Ubaydullah, and two daughters named Ruqayyah and Hafsah.
Prophet Muhammad PBUH and Bilal (R.A)
Bilal became interested in Islam when he heard the Prophet Muhammad’s teachings about one God, fairness, and equal treatment.
He decided to follow Islam at an early age. His strong faith caused him to suffer greatly from his owner’s mistreatment. Umayyah’s constant torment made Bilal even more determined. He firmly believed in the power of one God and repeatedly declared “Ahad, Ahad” (One, One) to show his unwavering faith.
Freedom From Slavery
Bilal had a strong, determined attitude that attracted the kind attention of Abu Bakr, who was a close friend of the Prophet Muhammad and a successful businessman. Touched with compassion, Abu Bakr helped Bilal become free, creating a strong bond of brotherhood in the Islamic community. This pivotal moment changed Bilal’s life and allowed him to focus fully on his faith.
Becoming the First Muezzin of Islam
Bilal had a beautiful and powerful voice that people associated with the call to prayer. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) chose Bilal to be the first person to call Muslims to prayer. Bilal, with great humility, sang the call to prayer from high places and his voice could be heard throughout the streets of Medina. The beautiful sound of the Adhan called the faithful to prayer, bringing them together and deepening their faith.
What Happened to Bilal after the Prophet Passed Away?
Bilal’s contributions went beyond the call to prayer. He stood firmly on the battlefield with Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W.), showing great courage and unwavering loyalty. His influence went beyond religious boundaries and he played a very important role in spreading Islam to new and unknown places. Bilal’s legacy continues to inspire Muslims of all ages.
How and When Did Bilal RA Die?
Bilal’s legacy continues to inspire Muslims of aIn 640 A.D., Bilal died in Damascus, where he lived with his family. Although he was ill and had a high body temperature, his strong faith never wavered. His last words showed his love for the Prophet Muhammad (S. AW), where he expressed his happiness to meet the Prophet and his friends in the afterlife.
Where is Bilal RA Buried?

He is buried in the cemetery of Bab al-Saghir in Damascus. This grave has a white dome with a green crescent on top. It is very striking. The words on this dome say, “This marks the grave of Bilal ibn Rabah, the caller to prayer for the Messenger of Allah.
Last Call to Prayer (Adhan)
In 634 A.D., Bilal ibn Rabah gave his last call to prayer, called the Adhan. This sad moment occurred two years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) During a great event, Bilal returned to the city of Medina for the first time since he had left. Umar ibn al-Khattab (R. A) went on the journey with him. Umar later became the second caliph of Islam after Abu Bakr (R. A).
During his visit, Umar saw Bilal in Medina and kindly asked him to call the people to pray as he had done in the Prophet’s lifetime. Bilal was unsure at first, but then he answered Umar’s request by saying, “O leader of the faithful, how can I perform this task in the absence of the one who originally instructed me…”
Who was Bilal Ibn Rabah’s Wife?
Bilal Ibn Rabah got married to Hind bint Awf, who was from the Banu Khazraj tribe in Medina. She also became a Muslim after escaping a life of being owned by others. This shows that she has strong beliefs and can bounce back from difficult situations. They supported each other in their strong belief in Islam.
Who was the Sister of Bilal Ibn Rabah?
Bilal’s sister, either Aqra or Ghufairah, also served Umayyah ibn Khalaf. Aqra who also converted to Islam became a symbol of strength with her brother and was freed from slavery with the help of Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him).
Was Hazrat Bilal RA an African?
Bilal’s background included a mix of Arab and Abyssinian ancestors. His dad, Rabah, came from an Arab tribe called Banu Jumah in Mecca. His mom, Hamamah, was a princess from Abyssinia who was once enslaved. Bilal had unique characteristics that showed his mixed heritage – he had dark brown skin and curly hair.
Who was the Owner of Bilal RA?
Bilal Ibn Rabah was enslaved by Umayyah ibn Khalaf, an important person in the Quraysh tribe. Because Bilal strongly believed in Islam, he was badly treated and persecuted by Umayyah. However, Abu Bakr (R. A) intervened and bought Bilal’s freedom, which created a strong and long-lasting friendship and faith between them.
Is Bilal Mentioned in the Quran?
Even though the Quran does not directly mention Bilal Ibn Rabah by name, some scholars believe that his strong commitment to Islam and unwavering faith are hinted at in certain verses, like verse 10 of Surah al-Balad and verse 15 of Surah al-Zumar. These verses show how he never gives up and stays brave when facing tough times.