United States Condemns Blasphemous Attacks on Prophet (PBUH) By BJP Members

United States Condemns Blasphemous Attacks on Prophet

The United States (US) has called on the government of India to apologize for remarks made by BJP members about Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

Nupur Sharma, the spokesperson for the ruling party BJP in India, and its media head Naveen Kumar Jindal had made hateful remarks about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) just days earlier.

In the aftermath of the incident, several Muslim countries such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Indonesia, Iraq, Bangladesh, Jordan, Libya, Bahrain, and the Maldives condemned the remarks and also boycotted Indian products.

In India, the police also shot dead two Muslims protesting blasphemous remarks by a BJP spokesperson and illegally demolished an activist’s house. 

At a press briefing on Thursday night, US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price condemned the incident and called for respect for human rights.

“This is something we condemn. It was heartening to see that the BJP publicly condemned the offensive comments made by two BJP officials,” he added.

Ned Price continued that the US government regularly raises issues regarding freedom of religion and human rights.

Whenever possible, we engage the Indian government at the highest levels on matters related to human rights, including freedom of religion or belief, and we urge India to uphold human rights,” he said.

In his response, Ned Price explained that the secretary stated that we believe in the same values: human dignity, respect, equal opportunity, and freedom of religion or belief. He said, “These are fundamental values within any democracy, and we advocate for them everywhere.”.

‘India and Russia have had a longstanding relationship.’

When asked if the United States is still talking to India about buying oil from Russia, Ned Price said, “India’s relationship with Russia has developed over decades, and it has evolved at a time when the United States was not ready or able to be a partner of choice for India.”

However, he has made it clear to his Indian partners that he is there for them, and we are ready, able, and willing to work with them.

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