KARACHI – Amidst the ongoing devastating conflict between Israel and Hamas, which has led to widespread destruction, the Caretaker Chief Minister of Pakistan has issued a directive to waive the tuition and hostel fees for Palestinian children studying in Pakistan.
Moreover, it has been instructed to start scholarship programs for Palestinian children.
The conflict between Israel and Hamas has affected millions of people, with many individuals being displaced and becoming homeless.
As the Middle East, particularly the Gaza Strip, grapples with intense attacks due to the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel, a remarkable display of support has been displayed by the Caretaker Chief Minister of Pakistan.
Retired Justice Maqbool Baqir has issued a directive to waive tuition and hostel fees for all Palestinians studying in Pakistan. This step has been taken to support and help the Palestinian children pursuing their education in Pakistan who may be struggling due to the conflict taking place in their homeland.
The devastating conflict in the Gaza Strip has resulted in destruction and the loss of lives, with businesses and workplaces bearing the brunt of the conflict. The heartbreaking situation of the Palestinians and the loss of their personal property and lives have left the Gazans in a dire situation.
Justice Maqbool’s decision has been widely appreciated throughout the country, as it is a significant support measure and a gesture to empathize with the struggles faced by the Palestinian people.
Moreover, to further extend the support, the Chief Ministry has directed the authorities to establish scholarships that are designed to ease the financial burden of Palestinian students and their families who have witnessed significant damage.
The announcement underlines the importance of education, reaffirms Pakistan’s support for the Palestinian cause, and showcases the value of supporting Muslim brothers and sisters in hard times.
As the conflict continues to unfold and Israeli attacks, along with US military assistance, intensify, hundreds of protestors are holding rallies across the world and raising concerns regarding the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
The Palestinians are in a crucial state with no water or electricity, which indeed calls for an immediate need for a ceasefire in the region.