Joe Biden Quotes Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Hadith

Joe Biden Quotes Prophet Muhammad PBUH Hadith

Joe Biden Quotes Prophet Muhammad: The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and former US vice president Joe Biden during an online summit, has promised to fulfill the needs and concerns regarding the Muslim American communities in the US once he becomes president. Biden is seen in a clip at some conference while reciting a hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

In a membership organization, during an online event that was being hosted by Emgage Action, Biden looks for support towards Muslim Americans on July 20, 2020. The issues affecting American Muslims were also assembled by him.

Biden praised Islam and said it is one of the best confessional faiths and he also gave remarks after he was inscribed by several American Muslim leaders for becoming President. He wishes that Islam should be more commonly spread in the schools as Biden told the attendees of the million Muslim votes.

Joe Biden Quotes Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

A quotation from the Prophet Muhammad was quoted at the 2020 election by the Democratic presidential nominee at the conference. The Hadith from the Prophet Muhammad commands that ‘’whoever among you see a wrong, let him change it with his hand.’’

Biden has written and spoken publicly about his faith for years and it is also noticed that he is a Roman Catholic. During the presidential election and the Democratic National Convention, his faith was highlighted he has also leaned towards his religious commitments recently.

It Swore to eradicate the Trump administrations after the three-year-old ban which was targeting Muslim majority countries specifically by the 77-year-old leader and he described it as ‘vile’.

Biden swore to appoint Muslim personnel in his administration while criticizing Trump’s treatment of religious minorities.

During the debate with Trump recently, US Presidential candidate Biden also said ‘InshAllah’ and gained extra attention.

Trump claimed victory early on Wednesday while the votes were yet to be counted. 

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