French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian Says He Respects “Islam”

French Foreign Minister Jean Yves Le Drian

Jean-Yves Le Drian French Foreign Minister has said that he respects Islam and is against anything that hurts sentiments of Muslims.

It is reported by Asian Lite News that on Sunday, Le Drians visited to ease the tensions started by the French cartoons of Prophet Muhammad which offended many muslim states and organizations.

On following talks with top Egyptian officials, the French Foreign Minister Jen-Yves Le Drian has revealed his country’s deep respect for Islam.

It is reported by the Xinhua news agency that Le Drian’s visit on sunday came to ease the problems created by the French cartoons of Prophet Muhammad due to which many muslims got offended and level of criticism became higher including the Cairo-based Al-Azhar, the top Islamic institution and the Sunni Muslim World.

The minister stressed while his talks with Sisi, that France has respect for al religions and their principles and values as declared in a statement by the Egyptian presidency.

The urgent needs were declared by the Egyptian President to combine the values of tolerance and co existence among all religions.

Sisi also desired for spreading bridges of understanding and brotherhood and according to te statement, there must be complete rejection on any religion offending act and terrorist acts linked with religion to remove violence and extremeism.

In a press conference in the following meeting Le Drian stated that i have highlighted the deep respect that we have for Islam and i will forward this message on meeting with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar.

He further continued that the Muslim community in France are the part of French identity and history.

There were addressed joint efforts among Egypt, France and international partners in combating And removing all terrorists and criminal activities as stated by Shoukry.

I surely declared complete separation between such terrorist acts and Islam or any other religion. He further told the reporters that these acts will undermine stability and political goals. 

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