Eid 2020 Prayers to be prayed at home as Coronavirus pandemic has restricted Muslims all around the world to pray the Eid salah publicly.
Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh, Grand Mufti, and Head of Council of Senior Scholars of Saudi Arabia as well as the head f Department of Scientific Research has given a fatwa that it is allowed to pray Eid 2020 prayers at home after Coronavirus situation. The Eid 2020 Prayer can be done without a sermon. The salah has two Rakats and six takbirs.
He also added that Zakat al Fitr should be distributed among the people who deserve it, to share the joy of eid with those who are unfortunate enough to celebrate it.
The member of the Council of Senior Scholars, Sheikh Abdul Salam Abdullah Al-Sulaiman, elaborated the fatwa that Eid prayer can be done alone as well as with 4 people praying with you.
Eid 2020 Prayers Timing
The head of scholars also said that Eid prayer time beings 15 to 30 minutes after the sunrise. And the Eid salah timing ends just before the Zuhr prayers.
Praying Eid salah before the sunrise is prohibited, as per Shafi, Maliki, and Hanbali jurists. So, it is advised to pray it 15 to 30 minutes after the sunrise.