Donate Money to Palestinians Instead of Performing Voluntary Umrah, Says Mufti Taqi Usmani

The condition of Palestinians in light of the war calls for urgent donations.
taqi usmani

A renowned Islamic scholar Mufti Taqi Usmani, had made a statement regarding the current situation in Palestine which has gained widespread attention. Mufti Taqi Usmani is the chairman of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy and the vice president of Dar ul Uloom.

In light of the ongoing horrific conflict in Gaza, the scholar said it is better for individuals who intend to perform Umrah to donate the money to the cause of Jihad in Palestine. 

His timely advice to Muslims is rooted in the conditions of Palestinians in Gaza where the Muslims are facing a brutal war with Israel.

As per Mufti Taki Usmani, Muslims should never forget their brothers and sisters suffering in Gaza and other parts of Palestine as all individuals must help the oppressed Muslims and save Masjid Al Aqsa. The best way to help the Palestinians is to donate money for their aid and assistance. 

Moreover while focusing on his statement the scholar explained that though Umrah is of great importance but can be postponed for the greater good to save Palestinian lives.

The money spent on voluntary Umrah which is indeed a large amount can be used to provide medical supplies, and humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza which is a Jihad with wealth and will be rewarded by Allah.

It is worth noting that the situation in Gaza is deteriorating day by day. The Palestinians are facing horrific airstrikes from Israel who have no regard for human rights, international law, or moral values.

The war which started on 7th October has claimed more than 23,000 lives and injured more than 60,000 individuals. The Medical healthcare system has completely collapsed in the beautiful city leaving the injured in pain.

In these tough times Supporting the Palestinians’ struggle, known as jihad, is seen as a duty for all Muslims. While Jihad doesn’t need to be only applicable in the form of wealth donations, it can also be in other forms. Jihad with tongues is indeed beneficial in these times of social media. One must raise awareness, spread truth, and condemn injustice.

Mufti Taqi Usmani’s advice is derived from the principles of Islam which emphasize on brotherhood of the Muslim Ummah. Supporting and defending the oppressed and weak is a duty of each Muslim as per the Holy Quran.

In this horrendous situation, where the area has been destroyed completely by the Israeli forces the Palestinians need the support of the Muslim Ummah. 

The Muslims have a golden opportunity to perform a great act of worship, by sacrificing their wealth, lives, or speech, for the sake of Allah and His oppressed servants. 

The Muslims have a choice to make, between Umrah or jihad, between comfort or struggle, between this world or the hereafter.

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