Deadly Disease Outbreak In Gaza, Doctors Terrified

Threat of deadly disease outbreak in Gaza raises concerns.

GAZA – The UN agencies call for the urgent need of aid deliveries to save the lives of the injured and prevent the risk of a deadly disease outbreak in Gaza.

A severe humanitarian crisis had taken over Gaza following the brutal Israeli attacks that have claimed over 1500 lives, mainly women and children, and resulted in around 1200 fatalities. Moreover, 240 Gazans have been taken hostage in Southern Israel.

As the horrific conflict enters the fifth day of temporary cease the situation remains dire. Professional doctors are deeply concerned about the looming threat of the outbreak of a deadly disease which calls for a critical need for additional aid deliveries to save lives, especially the ones severely injured.

In the besieged territory in the northern part of Gaza, there is an urgent requirement for transportation for fuel. This fuel is not only powering hospitals but will ensure a clean water supply along with sustaining civilian infrastructure that has been greatly impacted by the bombardments. Gazans are grappling with a shortage of clean water and food and overcrowded living conditions.

UNICEF spokesperson, James Elder expressed his concern on the situation in Gaza, particularly stating the sight of numerous small children fighting for their lives with war-related injuries is sad.

He further highlighted the tough decisions that doctors must make to prioritize their patients. The spokesperson shared an alarming situation of a child who lost his legs due to violence and faced delays reaching Medical help due to checkpoints. The child potentially faced blindness and had burns all over his body.

Moreover, the spokesperson for the UN, World Health Organisation (WHO), Dr. Margaret Harris stressed the urgent need to tackle health problems in the north of Gaza and emphasized that lack of clean water and food can lead to widespread health crises. 

The UN Aid Coordination Office (OCHA) reported the supply to the South of Gaza has been accelerated where around 1.7 million displaced citizens have sought shelter. Essential service providers, including hospitals, water and sanitation facilities continue to receive daily fuel shipments to operate generators as per the OCHA.

As the situation unfolds the UN Humanitarian agencies are appealing for the increase in aid deliveries to Gaza and calling for the release of hostages. The situation in Gaza remains a matter of concern worldwide demanding immediate international support.

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