Only 20 Percent Pakistanis To Perform Hajj 2020, Saudi Arabia Confirms

20 Percent Pakistanis To Perform Hajj 2020

Relying on the predictions, Saudi Arabia might allow only 20 percent of the regular amount of Pakistani pilgrims for this year’s Hajj.

In normal circumstances, there are millions of people from all around the world appeared to perform Hajj by arriving in the Holy city of Makkah. Yet, the COVID-19 pandemic has bought some serious concerns that should Hajj, the religious duty, be allowed this year? Or whether Saudi Arabia would defer the Hajj this year!

The huge decision is yet to be finalised. However, some latest information reveal that the religious authorities of Saudi Arabia are planning to consider only 20 percent of the pilgrims from Pakistan to follow this year’s Hajj. 

Noor ul Haq Qadri, Saudi Arabia’s Federal Ministry for Religious Affairs and the Interfaith Peace, stated that the government has been in discussion with the Authorities of Saudi on this matter, concerning the quota to be alloted for Hajj 2020. 

He further shared that fhe Authorities of Saudia are planning to have this year’s Hajj with only a restricted amount of pilgrims concerning the pandemic. They have also shared their plannings with King Salman about the on going situation. 

Moreover, he shared that the Government of Saudi Arabia is planning to allow only 20 percent of the regular amount of Pakistani pilgrims for this year’s Hajj. 

Yet, it is just a suggestion at the moment. And the final decision is pending to be announced which is due till the next week. For now, we are predicting a reduced quota for the Hajj in the near future, for this year. 

On the other hand, a recommendation of “only allow the Saudi nationals to perform Hajj this year” has also been made. The final decision of Hajj by the concerned authorities would take place by the 15th of June, 2020. 

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