Fard, Sunnah and Wajib of Hajj

Fard, Sunnah and Wajib of Hajj

There are following Fard, Sunnah, and Wajib of Hajj, which every Muslim should know and follow very closely to make their Hajj more valid and acceptable by Allah.


Fard of Hajj

Fard of Hajj means that you must do these things or your Hajj will not be completed.

  • Wearing Ihram: Wearing Ihram with the intention of making any type of Hajj.
  • Staying at Arafat is a must after the mid-day of the 9th Dhul Hijjah till the dawn of the 10th Dhul Hijjah.
  • Performing Tawaf al Ziyarah, This is also fard, this has to perform on the morning of 10th Dhul Hijjah till the sunset of 12th Dhull Hijjah.

Wajib of Hajj

Wajib means that in case you do not do the wajib of Hajj, your Hajj will still be valid but you need to give a parently that can be sacrificing an animal or feeding the poor. But if someone leaves the wajib of Hajj without any concrete reason, then the sin cannot be overcome, and the Hajj will become invalid. There are 6 Wajibaats of Hajj;

  • Staying at Muzdalifah, after sunset till the Fajr Salah.
  • Doing Saee, between Safa and Marwah. Can be performed with Tawaf Ziyarah.
  • Stoning the Devil at Jamarat. You can only throw rocks at it after the Fajr salah of 10th Dhul Hijjah.
  • Sacrifice an Animal, this applies only to people performing Hajj Qiran or Hajj Tamattu.
  • Shave your head, only after performing all the Wibs of Hajj discussed above.
  • Tawaful Wada, performing this Tawaf is a Wajid, and this wajib only applies to the people who came from abroad or within the boundaries of Miqaat.

Sunnah of Hajj

  • Sunnahs of Hajj means that if you perform it, there will be a reward, and if you do not perform it, then there will not be a sin.

May Allah accepts the Hajj of the people performing it this year, Ameen.

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