China Separating Muslim Children From Their Families

China Separating Muslim Children From Their Families

China has now started separating thousands of Muslim children in the western region Xinjiang because of their Islamic teachings and Language.

Meanwhile, millions of practicing Muslims are being detained in the reeducation camps. BBC also reported that this action comes after the Chinese Government trying to control the Muslim population in Xinjiang which was growing at a rapid scale.

BBC also claimed that the journalists who are trying to cover the news are being abducted in China. People are sharing pictures of their children, who went missing while the mass capturing of Muslims in Xinjiang.

These missing Muslim Children are the Uighurs, members of Xinjiang’s largest Muslims faith community having ties to Turkey. Most of them come to study, to work and to live there.

Chinese Government officials have said that they are reeducating Muslim adults and children in camps to fight religion in the state. BBC’s pieces of evidence show that most of them are being detained due to their faith.

Phone, Internet and every mean of communication have been cut off in the region.

According to German researcher, Dr. Adrian Zenz has claimed that the Chinese Government has spent $1.2 billion on upgrading buildings to make them reeducation camps.

Chinese Government has also started demolishing mosques in Xinjiang.

The relevant information about abduction of Muslims in China is being hidden from the search engine such as Baidu, BBC claimed.

BBC also tried to call different schools for ReEducation camps but every one of them has refused to talk to them about this matter.

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