After FATHER’S DEATH Daughter realized that no one is there except God


Father’s death is one of the events which leave much traumatizing as one leaves his/her one of the parents. A daughter shared her story of what happened after her father’s death.

My husband was very caring towards me but my mother in law made everything possible being cruel towards me. My husband, in this all matter, was silent because of his financial dependence on his father.

After 4 months, my father was diagnosed with Liver Cancer. During all this phase, I gave birth to my child. Taking care of my son all alone & other side father condition was pushing me towards depression. I pray to God for life of my father.

In April 2017 my sister’s marriage was due & exact 20 days before my father DIED. He was my best friend; father was one who was saving my marriage by giving me lessons of patience.

People were expressing condolences for my father & congratulating us for my sister’s marriage at the same time fact & my family was confused whether to cry or show happiness. At the 40th day after my father’s death, my husband & I had a little argument. My brother & mother tried everything to fix the issue but he was proud of what he did to me. I remained at my parents’ home for 23 days.

In those 23 days, I realized that my husband & my father was my pride. God took them both & asked me ‘Ab btaa kon ha tera meray siwa’ I found God, I found God’s love. I started firmly believing in the fact that whatever will happen,” God will fix this”. For the sake of my 3 years innocent child, I went back to my husband home.

After 1 week, her mother got mini paralysis & remained in ICU for a week. I have heard a term ‘makafat e amal’. I served her at my best. I don’t have expectations from anyone in this world except God because HE is the ONE who always cares for you & with you in every phase.

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