14-year-old Palestinian Ali Abu Alia Shot Dead by Israeli Forces

14 year old Palestinian Ali Abu Alia Shot Dead by Israeli Forces

A 14 year old Palestinian was shot on Friday by the soldiers of Israel in the occupied West Bank during stone-throwing clashes as told by the Palestinian officials.

Although it is stated by Israeili military that they has not used live fire.The Palestinian Health Ministry stated that, The bullet hit in the abdomen of the teenager and he was taken to the hospital for treatment in the city of Palestine Ramallah but later he died in that hospital.

The soldiers had used what she described as “riot diapersal means” they included the firing of rubber bullets just to confront many Palestinians who were hurling stones at them and even tried to roll rocks and burnt tires at Israeli vechicles. As told by the Israeli military spokeswoman.

She further stated that the reports of live fire used during the riot are not true and it is known that a number of riots are injured and one is killed.

A village councilman Marzouq Abu Naeem said that the Palestinian teenager was involved in a weekly protest against the Israeli settlements at the al-Mughayyir village near Ramallah.

He told that the stones were being thrown at the soldiers by protestors. The Palestinian foreign Ministry stated in a statement that this ugly crime is a war crime and a crime against humanity.

He was appalled by the killing, as stated by the United Nations Middle East envoy, Nickolay Mladenov. He tweeted that Israel must swiftly and independently investigated this shocking and unacceptable incident. Palestinians wanted to make a state In the West Bank, east Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip territories Israel captured in the 1967 Middle East war.The Palestinian whom are having limited self rule in the West Bank say Israel settlement there will deny them a viable state and like many countries see the enclaves as an obstacle towards peace and as illegal under international law.The Palestinians, whom have limited self-rule in the West Bank, say Israel’s settlements there will deny them a viable state and like many countries see the enclaves as an obstacle to peace and as illegal under international law.

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