Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh Shot Dead By Israeli Troops While Covering An Israeli Raid

Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh
Photo: (Twitter)

The Palestinian health ministry reported that during a raid in Jenin, the occupied West Bank town, an Al-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was shot and killed.

The broadcaster, Arabic language channel’s well-known reporter Shireen Abu Akleh was shot and died shortly after. Al Quds newspaper reported that another Palestinian journalist was injured and later declared dead.

Israeli fire hit the reporters, according to the health ministry. Videos of the incident show Abu Akleh wearing a blue flak jacket clearly labeled “PRESS.”

During operations in Jenin, Israeli forces attacked with heavy gunfire and explosives.

According to the military, it is “investigating the event.”

The Palestinians want the West Bank to be chiefly part of their future state after Israel captured the territory in the 1967 Mideast war. Israel currently occupies the territory, and approximately 3 million Palestinians are living there.

Over 500,000 Jewish settlers, who hold full Israeli citizenship, live in more than 130 settlements on the West Bank.

Its coverage has long been criticized in Israel, but its journalists are generally allowed to operate freely.

During a protest in Jerusalem last year, another Al-Jazeera reporter, Givara Budeiri, was briefly detained and treated for a broken hand, which her employer blamed on rough treatment by police.

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