8 Types Of People To Give Zakat To

Making it easier for people to decide whom to give Zakat.
8 Types Of People You Can Give Your Zakat To - Who To Give Zakat _

Zakat is one of the five major pillars of Islam that every Muslim needs to fulfill. Zakat is a charity, but who is entitled to receive it?

The definition of this term is to do Charity and help the poor grow and make the balance in society. It helps the poor to get basic needs that they could not fulfill due to financial problems. As per Islam, it purifies your wealth, and Allah gives you the rewards hereafter.

But the point is, Zakat cannot be given to just ANYBODY, Islam has defined the terms and conditions of giving Zakat, and we at The Islamic Information divided all of them into 8 types.

1. Lone Traveller

Zakat can be given to people left alone while traveling and they have no money to feed themselves. It includes the foreign refugees living in your country. (Only those who need the money and facing an adamant time.)

2. Allah’s Path

People who are fighting to spread the message of Islam are also entitled to receive this money. Who is preaching the free Quran and spreading knowledge for free? You should also donate them zakat money.

3. Debtors

People who are under the burden of loans can’t get away with it in their monthly earnings. You can donate them to help them pay off their debts. But make sure the money you lend them is borrowed for the right reasons.

4. Freeing Captives

Back in times when people used to have slaves, they could give money to free these slaves.

5. Newly Accepted Muslims

If someone accepts Islam and their family abandons them they are entitled to Zakat.

6. NGOs

There are many Non-Governmental Organizations that accept Zakats. If you trust the organization and believe that your money will be received by a valid person, then there is no harm in giving it away to these NGOs.

7. Masakin

Masakin means extremely poor, who have no income source and barely eat a day thrice. They are highly entitled to receive the money.

8. Fuqara

Fuqara means the people who live on the streets and have no means to feed themselves.

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