French Magazine Showed Hijabi Student As A Monkey, Creates Outrage

French Magazine Showed Hijabi Student As A Monkey, Creates Outrage

French magazine victimized a leader of the student union at Paris’ Sorbonne university after she appeared in a documentary in a Hijab.

In that video, Maryam Pougetoux was talking about the ongoing protests in France, and after that, she had to face a lot of criticism not because of what she said but because of her dressing in Hijab.

Gerard Collomb who is currently France’s interior minister was with the people who were bullying. As per BBC, France’s interior minister called her hijab as “Provocation”.

France’s Equality Minister, Marlene Schiappa called it a Form of Promotion of “Political Islam”

In an interview, this 19 years called this entire bullying “Pathetic”. She said that she was not expecting this from the French government, that instead of shutting all these hate speeches they started supporting it.

She said, that she has faith in Islam and she does not need to prove that to the world.

Later, French Magazine Charlie Hebdo has taken this hate to an another level

Charlie Hebdo is the same magazine who initiated the Cartoon based on Muhammad, has now on it’s best to defame this Muslim girl for wearing Hijab.

Charlie Hebdo resembled this teen with a monkey wearing Hijab. Which sparked a new row of social protests. But nobody seems to actually support this teen from all this hate speech.

Twitter users started trending a hashtag called #MaryamPougetoux to support this teen

Shame on them!

“They cannot face a woman with TRUTH”

This is not the first time, Charlie Hebdo had also been involved in releasing cartoon directing hate towards Islam.

Which also sparked the row of protest all around the world. But instead of the French government banning this magazine, they are supporting the idea of hate speech under the values of Freedom of speech which is nothing but a stupidity.

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