In India, the world-famous Bollywood Muslim actor Salman Khan was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment on charges of poaching.
The 52-year-old actor, known to the TV audience on the popular Indian films “Karan and Arjun”, “Marry Me”, “Your Forever”, etc., was brought to trial in connection with the events as much as 1998.
About 20 years ago, the actor starred in a film in the state of Rajasthan, and he was accused of shooting two antelopes of a rare species during the shooting. Khan was charged with an article from the Law on the Protection of Wildlife, which prohibits hunting for rare animals.
After the verdict, the Bollywood star was escorted to the central Jodhpur prison. Fans of Indian cinema met felt such a severe sentence for illegal hunting as absurd, and some saw it as a political component, The Islamic Information reports with reference to the Indian Express.
Pakistani Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif said that Salman Khan was sentenced to a real term because of his Muslim faith, which does not coincide with the religion of the ruling Indian party Bharatiya Janata.
“His sentence on a similar case of 20 years ago demonstrates that the life of Muslims, untouchables, and Christians in India has no value,” the head of the Pakistani Foreign Ministry said.