110 Muslims Have Been Killed in an Attack by Boko Haram in Nigeria

110 Muslims Have Been Killed in an Attack by Boko Haram in Nigeria

According to the United Nations coordinator in Nigeria, at least 110 Muslims have been brutally killed in an attack by Boko Haram in northeastern Nigeria.

110 civilians have been killed and many have been injured

Edward Kallon

Kallon wrapped up his statement calling the attack one of the violent attacks towards innocent civilians.

This attack took place in the Koshobe village, which is located near the city of Maiduguri. The terrorists attacked farmers on the rice field.

The terrorists have tied the innocent farmers and slit their throats. These victims were laborers from Sokoto State, as stated by Telegram. The innocent farmers traveled 1,000 KM to find work in the rice fields.

Edward Kallon cited that there are several women kidnapped since the attack. Muhammadu Buhari, the Nigerian President, has condemned the murder of innocent 110 Muslims.

The same day voters were going to the polls in the local election in Borno state, which has been delayed for a long.

These polls have been delayed repeatedly because of includsing Boko Haram attacks in Nigeria.

Source: BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera and Telegram

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