Harvard University Ranks “Quran” As The Best Book for Justice

harvard university law school quran verse

Harvard University quotes the Quran, with its divine words, which is the final revelation as believed by us, the Muslims. Allah has selected it as His last and final book. Without any doubt, it came from the Creator of this Universe and guides us on the right path of living.

Rules and Justice are highly prioritized in Islam and the Holy Book which is full of essential laws for humans. Islam doesn’t have any space for injustice.

The whole globe also accepts this truth and reveres what is mentioned in the Qur’an. Though their actions appear contrary, the same is the case of Muslims.

At the entrance of the Library for Faculty, Harvard Law School, being of the prominent Law School, has displayed an ayah from Surah Nisa. It explains that it is among the greatest expression regarding justice in the past. Harvard Law School is known to be home to the biggest academic library around the world and is a part of Harvard University.

The Ayah number 135 from Surah/Chapter Nisa (woman) orders human being to stick firmly by justice. Following attached it the whole verse:

harvard law school quran verse surah nisa
Wall of Harvard School of Law/Twitter

It appears to be among the three significant quotations displayed on the wall which is facing the main entrance of the faculty. The rest two belongs to St. Augustine and Magna Carta.

These quotations were recommended by the faculties and the students of Law School and from more than 100 entries, the Qur’anic verse has opted.

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