Cutting Nails and Trimming Hair are not allowed during the first 10 days of Dhu Al Hijjah for those who are getting animals to sacrifice for Eid Ul Adha.
A very common question people ask us is whether they should cut nails and hair before Eid Ul Adha as they want to sacrifice the animal in the month of Dhul al Hijjah. So today, we will talk about its authenticity.

As we have discussed in one of the previous blogs about the things you shouldn’t do while wearing Ihram, it also prohibits cutting nails and hair before that person sacrifices an animal.
Every person who is sacrificing an Animal on Eid Ul Adha should stop trimming hair and cutting nails before the Sacrifice (Start of Dhul Hijjah)
But, as per the hadiths, it only applies to the person doing the sacrifice. Let’s say a family has 5 people, and only one person is paying for the cost of an animal for sacrifice, then that person is not allowed to trim the hair or cut nails, but his family can cut or trim hair as they like. Because Prophet Muhammad PBUH never prohibited his own family from doing so, he didn’t cut his nails or trim his hair during this period.
What happens if you mistakenly trim the hair or remove nails in the initial 10 days of Dhu al Hijjah
That person should repent to Allah with the will that he will never make this mistake again. There are no monetary things that a person should give, but it is a must that he must repent to Allah and never make this mistake again.
There is a direct hadith about it;

Prophet Muhammad PBUH didn’t describe why one shouldn’t trim it, but scholars have described that not cutting nails and trimming hairs in the initial days of Dhul Hijjah is a part of the Sacrifice on Eid ul Adha.
As Muslims, we must follow the orders of our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH. In other Hadith, Prophet Muhammad PBUH said;

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Source: Fataawa Islamiyyah, 2/316 Ustadh Tabraze Azam on Seekers Guidance Mufti Zulfiqar Ali ShahSubscribe to our channels on WhatsApp, Google News, Facebook and Instagram.