I have always been searching for the duas which can earn me a great amount of reward.
I searched a lot and found these 4 duas which can earn the maximum amount of reward. The good thing about these 4 duas is that you can only recite them in just a minute.
On each of these Duas, I will be telling you the authenticity of these duas and will be telling why it is important.
Dua No. 1

This dua is proved by the Sahih Bukhari’s hadith which was narrated by Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) to The Messenger of Allah (PBUH), who asked people to recite this dua to earn more rewards.
Dua No. 2

The wife of Pharoah, Also known as Asiya (RA) used to recite this a lot it is also mentioned in the Holy Quran in 66 – 11. Where this dua means Oh Allah, make a home near you in Jannah, Quran 66:11.
Dua No. 3

Juwairiyah bint Al-Harith (May Allah be pleased with her) reported that Messenger (PBUH) came out of my home in the morning as she was busy offering the dawn prayer. Messenger of Allah came back in the forenoon and found her sitting there. He (PBUH) asked her are you still in the same position where I left you? She said “YES”. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) uttered these words. This dua is proven by Sahih Muslims.
Dua No. 4

Prophet Adam (AS) and Hawa (RA) used to pray this dua when they were directed by Shaitan. Both of them used to pray this specific dua to seek forgiveness from Allah SWT for getting distracted by the Shaitaan. This dua is also given in the Quran on 7:23.
Do not forget to recite them! May Allah SWT accept our efforts, Ameen. Memorize these duas and share them with other people as well.
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