4 Important Tips To Maintain Tahajjud Prayer

Tips Tahajjud Prayer

Tahajjud is a prayer that is very beloved by Allah SWT, it is the prayer that can make the impossible possible. Praying it can give you many benefits.

As we talk about the Nafl Prayers that are important and the way they can help in curing Sadness and Depression and as we as we have already discussed the Dhikr with its benefits. Today, we will talk about the Tahajjud Prayer and its benefits, below are the tips for maintaining the Tahajjud prayer.

1. Sleep Early

Place a reminder on your phone. Do not be tempted to stay up late into the night. Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in a hadith mentioned in At-Tabarani that

Tahajjud is praying after sleeping“.

2. Nap At Noon

Taking a nap in the afternoon is good for the health in warm climates as it’s too hot to be outdoors. The heat is sapping and it’s good to be well rested in the evening as helps in soothing the mind;

Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in a hadith mentioned in At-Tabarani that “Take a Sleep in the afternoon as devil do not sleep“.

3. Set an Alarm or Get Someone To Wake You Up Or Call You At Tahajjud Time

As the translation of verse number 2 of Surah al Maidah in the Holy Quran states help each other in getting on the right path, and the right path is indeed Allah’s path.

4. Build Up A Routine

First pray it once a week, then twice, then three times a week until it becomes your habit.

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