10 Lessons from Surah Al-Humazah That Allah Mentioned

Surah al-Hamaza is the 104th chapter of the Qur’an.

Surah Al-Humazah conveys significant lessons regarding human behavior and the consequences of sinful actions like arrogance, slander, and excessive love for wealth.

1. Avoid Slander and Backbiting (Verse 1)

“Woe to every slanderer and backbiter” (104:1)

The surah opens with a warning to those who mock, belittle, and speak ill of others. Slander and gossip are destructive actions that Allah condemns.

This verse emphasizes that the harm caused by words can have severe consequences in this life and the hereafter.

2. Do Not Hoard Wealth for False Security (Verse 2)

“Who collects wealth and [continuously] counts it” (104:2)

Here, Allah highlights the behavior of those who hoard wealth, believing that it will grant them security or immortality.

This verse teaches that material wealth does not guarantee protection or lasting happiness.

3. Arrogance Leads to Destruction (Verse 3)

“He thinks that his wealth will make him immortal” (104:3)

This verse underlines the delusion of those who believe that their worldly riches can save them from death or judgment.

Arrogance, driven by wealth, distances individuals from humility and spirituality, leading to ruin.

4. Your Actions Define Your Fate (Verse 4)

“No! He will surely be thrown into the Crusher” (104:4)

Allah warns that those who act unjustly will be thrown into the “Crusher” (Hutamah), symbolizing Hellfire.

This verse emphasizes that one’s actions, especially negative behaviors like slander and greed, determine their ultimate fate.

5. Materialism is a Trap (Verse 2-3)

“Who collects wealth and counts it, thinking his wealth will make him immortal” (104:2-3)

The love of wealth can trap individuals, making them believe they are self-sufficient.

These verses remind us not to get consumed by materialism but to stay focused on our spiritual journey.

6. Greed Corrupts the Soul (Verse 2)

“Who collects wealth and counts it” (104:2)

Greed is a destructive force. By constantly counting and hoarding wealth, individuals allow greed to corrupt their hearts.

This verse teaches that obsession with possessions can harm the soul, leading to poor moral choices.

7. True Success Lies in the Hereafter (Verse 3)

“He thinks that his wealth will make him immortal” (104:3)

Wealth cannot guarantee success in the hereafter.

This verse stresses that true success comes from righteous deeds and submission to Allah, not from accumulating material goods.

8. Hellfire Awaits the Wicked (Verse 5-6)

“And what can make you know what is the Crusher? It is the fire of Allah, [eternally] fueled” (104:5-6)

These verses give a vivid description of the torment awaiting those who engage in slander and hoarding of wealth.

The “Crusher” represents the crushing punishment of Hellfire, a reminder of the severe consequences for evil actions.

9. Wealth Cannot Buy Salvation (Verse 3-4)

“He thinks that his wealth will make him immortal. No! He will surely be thrown into the Crusher” (104:3-4)

This verse teaches that wealth will not buy anyone safety from Allah’s judgment. No amount of riches can save a person from the consequences of their sinful behavior.

10. Accountability is Certain (Verse 7-9)

“Which mounts directed at the hearts. Indeed, Hellfire will be closed down upon them” (104:7-9)

The surah concludes by affirming that wrongdoers will be held accountable for their actions.

There is no escape from the judgment of Allah, and those who indulge in slander, greed, and arrogance will face the closing in of Hellfire, sealing their fate.

Surah Al-Humazah teaches that worldly success is fleeting, and what truly matters are the deeds we perform in service to Allah and others.

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