Are Artificial Eyelashes Haram In Islam?

The answer to whether false lashes are permissible or not depends on the situation. The situation can be divided into medical purposes and cosmetic purposes.
eye lashes
Photo: Giorgio Trovato

False eyelashes for beautification is haram.


  • False lashes for medical purposes are halal. However, for cosmetic purposes it is haram.

The concern for girls regarding fake lashes is very common. The rulings below clear that concern. The use of artificial false eyelashes is common for girls and women. They do that for cosmetic purposes mostly.

In Islam, the lawfulness of using such can be checked based on the intention behind their use. Also, the nature of the product itself is studied.

Are False Lashes Haram?

They are permissible when used for medical reasons, such as correcting deformities. The deformities can be due to illness or injury. In such cases, it is considered remedial rather than cosmetic. 

However, when used solely for beautification, they are generally haram. This is due to their resemblance to hair extensions. Hair extensions are prohibited in Islam. 


The evidence for the prohibition of false eyelashes for beautification comes from several hadiths.

  • For instance, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) permitted a companion to wear a gold nose to correct a disfigurement. This shows that remedying a defect is allowed. 
  • However, he cursed those who engage in hair extensions for beauty.  

Scholars have further explained that false eyelashes can cause harm to the eyes. 

Bottom Line

The use of false eyelashes in Islam depends on the situation. They are permissible for medical purposes. However, they are haram when used for cosmetic enhancement. 

This ruling is based on the principles of avoiding altering Allah’s creation. Muslims are encouraged to embrace natural beauty. They must avoid practices that involve potential harm. 

And Allah knows the best.

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